Weekly Readings – Week 8…

Hey there folks and welcome to another blog post by yours truly. This weeks weekly reading was from a book previously read in other weeks. It was in fact:

Niederst Robbins, J. (2012) “Learning Web Design: A Beginner’s Guide to (X)HTML, Style Sheets and Web Graphics”. 4th ed. Chapters 14-16.

The weeks readings were based on how CSS pages are planned out and put together.

Chapter 14

This chapter focuses on how padding and margins can be customised to accommodate a website’s design. Using these, allows for more control and flexibility for the content within. It goes off a simple box model in which content can easily be moved later on and straightened. It also mentions about using different CSS rules to customise anything to do with the padding etc.

Chapter 15

This chapter focuses more about positioning content and also making content ‘float’. Float is used in order to position content as far as it can go to the left or right and making text wrap around it, depending on the specified direction. In order to make something ‘float’ this is needed in the code:

Float: left <— to float left


Float: right —> to float right

Different ways of positioning are also mentioned like Absolute and Relative.

Chapter 16

This chapter talks about how layouts should be focused on when creating a website. We can see that there are different layouts to think about when creating a website:

  • Fixed layouts
  • Fluid layouts
  • Elastic layouts
  • Hybrid layouts

Fixed layouts stay at a specific pixel width, regardless of window or text size. Fluid layouts flow and resize appropriately to the window size. Elastic layouts resize based on text size and Hybrid layouts combine fixed and scaleable areas.

Header and footer sizes are also taken into consideration in the article, making sure they are sized approprietly for the layout.

Peace out.

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